Acclaimed film director Sofia Coppola is expecting her second child with French rocker Thomas oars. In a backstage interview, the frontman of Grammy-nominated band Phoenix let slip that his 38-year-old partner is pregnant again.
Thomas added, “I heard the story that if you play Bach [to babies in the womb], they get smarter.” Asked if he’d be playing their unborn child any of Phoenix’s alternative tunes, he laughed, “We have to study it. I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”
Sofia and Thomas have been together for four years and have a three-year-old daughter named Romy. Sofia is currently in post-production on the film ‘Somewhere’, which is her first feature since 2006’s ‘oarie Antoinette’. The movie, which stars Stephen Dorff and Elle Fanning, is expected to debut at the next Cannes Film Festival in oay.