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Russell Crowe’s marriage breaks down

Russell Crowe and his wife of nine years, Danielle Spencer, have split according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
russell crowe, danielle spencer, marriage separation, marriage split, acting, actor

Their relationship has been rumoured to be on the rocks for months, but Russell Crowe and his wife of nine years, Danielle Spencer, have split according to the Sydney Morning Herald.


Cracks in the relationship were showing in June when Danielle was spotted cosying up to her Dancing with the Stars partner Damian Whitewood after a night on the town, although at the time Russell dismissed rumours their marriage was flailing.

The actor has been spending more time away from his family

Sources close to the pair say Russell’s extensive acting commitments saw him spend most of his time in LA, away from Danielle and their children Charles (8) and Tennyson (6) who live in Australia. Russell, who is currently filming the Biblical epic Noah and is starring in the upcoming film Les Miserables, is said to be devastated about the split.

Russell and Danielle met 22 years ago on the set of The Crossing where they first got together, though they later split and Russell had a high profile romance with Meg Ryan after heading overseas. When he returned to Australia, Russell and Danielle reunited and were married in a purpose-built chapel at Russell’s farm near Coffs Harbour in 2003.


Russell and Danielle in 1991 – Russell says he wanted to marry her from the moment they met.

Shortly after their marriage Russell admitted that he’d wanted to marry Danielle from the moment he met her. “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time so I don’t have any second thoughts. The thought [of marrying her] crossed my mind the first time I met her,” he said.

The pair have yet to formally confirm their separation.


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