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Russell Crowe doesn

Despite being the subject hundreds of stories during his time as an actor, Russell Crowe says he doesn’t like the celebrity culture that goes with being a famous name in Hollywood. “Some people believe celebrity is a power that should be used. Ultimately, your dollars are more powerful. I’m famous for making movies. Celebrity just happens to be an unfortunate by-product of what I do,” he complains. The actor, who has two children with wife Danielle Spencer – Charles (6) and Tennyson (4) – likes to lead a private life. “There’s a whole bunch of blank space that’s filled in with stuff that fills up pages of newspapers which is not real, and you know it’s not real, and I know it’s not real.” Russell also compared being interviewed as part of publicity for his films to torture. “If I ever was going to torture somebody, I’d put them in a room where they can’t leave and have someone new come in every three minutes and ask the same question over a number of days and then weeks.”


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