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AnikaBoh&Hollie: Peace of Mind

Three of New Zealand’s finest female artists were magic together on their sell-out Church Tour last year, and the delightful trio’s music lives on in their studio collaboration.
Peace of Mind by AnikaBoh&Hollie
Peace of Mind by AnikaBoh&Hollie

Three of New Zealand’s finest female artists (Anika Moa, Boh Runga and Hollie Smith) were magic together on their sell=out Church Tour last year, and the delightful trio’s music lives on in their studio collaboration. Their unique styles and voices create a beautiful fusion of sounds. For example, the sweet and surprising track Sea of Dreams has an Anika-like beat combined with Boh’s etherial vocals. When not taking centre stage, Hollie’s vocals are a perfect accompaniment. Beautiful listening.

Rating: 4.5/5

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