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Dunedin mum Kim tells: ‘My cat unleashed my psychic powers’

The Dunedin mum now helps her clients find their abilities
Kim Forrester sitting on a picnic rug in a field of grass

When Kim Forrester was aged just 16, a fairground fortune teller told her that she was psychic.


“At the time, I laughed at how ridiculous that was,” admits the 53-year-old.

But it turns out that Dunedin-based Kim does possess psychic abilities. Fifteen years ago, she even turned that calling into a career. She started a holistic spiritual wellbeing business to help others understand and listen to their psychic abilities.

“Unlike many people, information doesn’t come to me as a vision but as a feeling,” says Kim. “Sometimes it comes in dreams but often also as a sensation and emotion.”

It was 10 years after her encounter with the mystic that the mother of two started exploring and researching her psychic abilities.

Kim Forrester with her young children in 2005
Kim cuddles daughter Sarah and son Daniel in 2005, before Snuggles came into their lives.

“I developed a deep curiosity about certain feelings and dreams I had, so I joined a group and started meditating with them. I also got into the world of tarot cards.”

Kim began paying more attention to her psychic experiences, including foreseeing the nomadic life that she and husband Todd would eventually follow, living in six cities in seven years.

“Todd works for an international IT company that had recently moved us to Auckland,” she says. “But I got a very strong sense of packing boxes and a feeling we would be moving again. I wrote down the words Singapore and Kuala Lumpur on a sheet of paper. I’d never been to either place, but a few weeks later, Todd’s boss called. He said, ‘We’re sending you out to Singapore!’ We also lived in Kuala Lumpur for two years.”

Kim Forrester with her teenage children sitting through a window ledge
The Forrester clan in Singapore in 2017.

Kim’s sixth sense struck again on a later posting in Sydney where the couple’s beloved cat Snuggles went missing for three days.

“Of course I feared the worst, that someone had hit Snuggles with their car. But one night, I had a strange, vivid dream. In it, I was in a dark space with a car exhaust pipe and bicycle spikes. I was sure Snuggles had sent me a vision of where she was, so we started checking with neighbours. Sure enough, Snuggles had been trapped in a garage three doors down.”

But Kim, who trained in psychology and philosophy, admits her “academic brain” needed validation she wasn’t actually going crazy.

Kim Forrester with her family on an outdoor walk
The family now.

“We live in a society that says if you believe in this kind of thing, you’re a bit cuckoo!” she admits. “I needed to validate the fact that possessing psychic abilities, whether through intuition, gut instinct, dreams or foresight, is actually backed by scientific research and data. I did lots of research into unravelling these experiences.”

She felt surprised to learn almost all of us have psychic abilities. “A study from last year showed around 94% of people globally experience some kind of psychic phenomenon. That could include having a vision or dream, walking into a building and feeling like you’ve been there before, or even just a physical feeling of getting goosebumps or your hair standing up on end.”

The key is learning to tap into those experiences in a positive way. That way, you can enjoy the benefits of that spiritual connection, she adds.

Snuggles the cat

“In our busy world, it’s hard to create space where your mind is completely still and to learn how to lean into your cognitive strengths, so if you’re someone who learns visually, then you might get psychic visions, or if you learn orally, you might hear information.”

Keen to demystify the psychic connection, Kim wrote a book, Infinite Mind, while living in Singapore. It outlined various people’s psychic experiences, from US president Abraham Lincoln and hotelier Conrad Hilton, to a man whose dream revealed the winning lottery numbers.

“This humble man had moved from his tiny village in Pakistan to the US. After a vivid dream about the lottery numbers, he played the same ones for 12 years. He finally won big and went back to Pakistan. Three days later, a huge earthquake struck. As his mother had once foreseen in a dream, the man used his winnings to help the village.”

Infinite Minds by Kim Forrester is on shelves now.

In 2016, Kim’s book won a silver medal in an Asian lifestyle book award. She has since republished it in New Zealand and recently released an audio version.

Having settled in Dunedin three years ago, Kim now spends her days helping clients strengthen their psychic connection.

“Often people come to me at a time of uncertainty in their lives and are looking for some direction. I help them find and develop their intuition so it can lead them in a positive way. But psychic ability isn’t the end – it’s just the first step in understanding the deeper connection between us and the universe. When we understand that spiritual connection, we’re able to creative positive change in our lives and in society.”


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