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A glimpse into the new life of wrongfully convicted killer Amanda Knox

From Italian prison to US podcast host, Amanda has reinvented herself in a big way
Amanda Knox sitting in front of a pink background with a mic attached to her top

Since being exonerated in 2015 for the murder of her flatmate in Italy, US journalist Amanda Knox has largely stayed out of the spotlight. Until now.

The 36-year-old recently appeared back in court in Italy, where she was convicted for slander. The court found she had wrongly accused bar owner Patrick Lumumba of murdering her housemate Meredith Kercher shortly after the shocking 2007 crime.

The fact that Amanda doesn’t have to face any more time behind bars must come as a huge relief to the Washington-born author and activist. She has worked hard to turn her life around in recent years.

In pictures taken last week, the mum-of-two strolled through the streets of Rome with her husband Christopher Robinson. The pair looking like any other tourists as they explored with their young children, Eureka, two, and nine-month-old Echo.

Amanda and her family walking down an Italian street
Amanda was back in Italy to appear in court.

While she seems to be enjoying motherhood, Amanda admits that she has struggled to reclaim her identity since her exoneration.

“It’s not easy. I often feel like I’m trying to invent good choices out of bad whole cloth,” she says.

“I know that I cannot 100% protect my daughter from the kind of treatment I’ve suffered. I’m doing the best I can though.”

Amanda has also drawn on her daunting experience of being behind bars to work on the podcast Labyrinth, which she hosts with her husband.

The series, which began in October 2020, sees Amanda and Christopher explore true crime stories through interviews, philosophy and debate.

Amanda taking a photo of her kids at a restaurant
She looked happy and relaxed with her kids.

Talking about the podcast, Amanda says she knows what it’s like to be at the centre of an entertaining story.

“Being able to speak to that when looking at other cases seemed like a really great opportunity,” she explains.

It’s understandable she could resent the country that wrongly convicted her of murdering her friend while on student exchange back in 2007. However, Amanda insists she has no hard feelings towards Italy.

“I’ve got all my life to live. I’ve got all my love to give,” she wrote on Instagram while in Europe for the court case. “Still love you, Italia.”

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