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Auckland Psychic reveals how she became a medium

What began as a hobby is now a full-time profession for Melissa.

“I’ve always had an amazing gut instinct. As a child, I knew things that maybe I shouldn’t have known. I’m an only child, and I always heard voices and had imaginary friends, as most children do. But I wasn’t making them up – they were whoever was in the room with me at the time.


It wasn’t until years later that I came around to understanding what was going on. It all started one day in the university library when one of my friends did a psychic reading for me and she said that I could do it too – she could see I had the ability.

I was brought up as Catholic, so none of this was ever in my vicinity – I had no understanding what I was doing or who I was connecting to. So when I did find out, I resisted it because it was so out of my norm. Plus, when you’re young, and you’re trying to find yourself and fit into society, you really don’t want to be different. That’s why it took me so long.

Working as a psychic medium started as a hobby and now it’s a full-time profession for me!

I’ve been working in this profession since 2012, but I began training when I was about 18. It’s been a journey to get here, but now, I honestly don’t work a day in my life any more because I absolutely love what I do – it’s not a job!


I hope other people will follow their calling. I think it’s important to follow it when you feel that purpose. Even if it’s scary, embracing what you really want to do will lead you to finding true happiness and joy. And I’ve been there! I know what that’s like for my clients when they come to me with those concerns.

The psychic part is a lot to do with guidance – people want answers to things like, ‘What’s my purpose in life?’, ‘What’s up ahead in my romantic life?’ And I can help people with that.

But everyone has free will. I can give you something and your free will can decide, ‘Well, I don’t really like that’ and you’ll follow a different path. None of it is set in stone.


When I connect with loved ones in the afterlife, I get to pass messages on from them. I’m a modern evidential medium and I’m passionate about bringing that connection so you know that your loved one still walks with you.

I give evidence about who they’re with in the spirit world, how they’re watching you still, as well as describing who they were when they were alive. I love the legacy they create and how we need to keep that legacy going.

It’s not as scary as the movies! I work with the positives, so when I do my work, I’m coming from love and light.

Sometimes I will bring through a passed loved one and they will give a message to the person with me, explaining how they still appear in that person’s life. Sometimes it’s things like flickering the light or bringing them feathers – they’ll use tangible things.


It’s their way of letting us know they are around – they’re not trying to scare us. They miss us just as much as we miss them, and it’s frustrating for them because they’re walking around with us and we can’t see them and they want to be with us. So they do those things to get our attention.

I have to prove there is another life, so I tell you what they get up to up there, who they’re with as well as how they are with you. It’s specific – there is no way I would know this stuff before I meet someone.

I believe my job isn’t to change anybody’s point of view or belief system. I think sceptics are very valid, and they keep you on your toes and they keep the industry having some sort of standard as well. But I’m not fazed by them and don’t feel I have to prove myself.

After a reading or a show, it’s unbelievable, the gratitude and privilege that I feel. The spirit world has given us such a beautiful gift. When we are grieving, to be able to hear from a loved one again, especially when you didn’t get to say goodbye, there’s no greater gift I could offer.


I feel on such a high afterwards and energised, and the gratitude I feel when people say I changed their life. It’s humbling being able to facilitate that. And then afterwards, I scoff my face with a bunch of French fries because I don’t eat very much before I do a show to keep my energy clear!”

Favourite holiday spot: Bali, because it’s so beautiful and spiritual.

Favourite quote: “I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul” – Invictus by William Ernest Henley.

Most precious possession: Well, apart from my kids, I would say photos. I couldn’t survive without them.

Melissa Mills is taking her Whispers From Above tour around New Zealand between June and November. Head to for tickets.

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