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Thirty five famous females join us to celebrate Woman’s Day’s birthday!

Thirty-five of our favourite famous females share their Woman's Day memories
Woman's Day's 35th birthday balloons

The week commencing on October 21, 2024 marks Woman’s Day’s 35th birthday! Three and a half decades of the best celebrity gossip, royal news, real-life reads, recipes, fashion, beauty and, of course, Kiwi stars sharing their highs and lows with our incredible community of readers.


To mark the milestone, we’ve asked 35 of Aotearoa’s most-loved stars to share their memories of the mag.

Thank you to all our local celebs and the extraordinary “ordinary” Kiwis who have shared their lives with Woman’s Day over the years, and to our dedicated team who work so hard to pull together these pages every week. But most of all, thank you to our loyal readers and subscribers, from Cape Reinga to Stewart Island, who make working on this magazine so magical. It wouldn’t be possible without you!

Dame Lisa Carrington

Olympic legend

As long as I can remember, Woman’s Day has always been there – it’s become part of the fabric of New Zealand society. The magazine has shared so many amazing stories of incredible New Zealanders and it’s always a great read.


Antonia Prebble

Double Parked actress

Happy birthday, Woman’s Day! I have so loved working with you over the years – the jewel in the crown being your beautiful story on our wedding earlier this year. It’s such a special record for us and we’re really grateful. Here’s to 35 more years and many more stories to come!

Rebecca Gibney

Under The Vines actress

Happy birthday, Woman’s Day! Hope the Champagne is flowing and you have some ’90s tracks blasting. Keep on dancing!

Kate Hawkesby

Former Woman’s Day columnist

Happy birthday – you don’t look a day over 30! I loved my time as parenting columnist in this mag – it’s a staple for so many Kiwi families and where would waiting rooms be without them?! Full credit to all the hard-working crew who keep this ship afloat. May she continue to treat the lives of loyal readers.

Samantha Hayes

ThreeNews presenter

Thirty-five years of publication is a huge milestone and in this ever-changing media landscape, you have proven to be a much-loved staple. I wish Woman’s Day and its fabulous audience of Kiwi women the best birthday. I’ve loved sharing the big moments in my life, from career highlights to babies and more. The warmth from the Day readers always makes it special.


Courtenay Louise

Shortland Street actress

Happy milestone birthday, Woman’s Day – what a remarkable journey and a big thank you for sharing my stories along the way. As a young girl,
I’d eagerly grab Woman’s Day off the supermarket shelves, filled with excitement for the stories within. Now having the honour of my wedding being featured on one of your covers is a dream come true. Here’s to many more years of celebrating!

Dame Valerie Adams

Olympic legend

Happy 35th birthday, Woman’s Day! Thanks for capturing so many special memories and milestones, the highlight being our cover when we celebrated the 30th birthday issue! It’s crazy to think how much has happened in the past five years from when we captured baby Tava – we’ve been through Covid, a delayed Olympic Games, competing at Tokyo 2020 in 2021, my retirement, a movie and my new chapters… Tava is now five and enjoying his first year at school alongside his big sister Kimoana – time sure does fly when you’re having fun!

Toni Street

Coast radio star

Happy 35th birthday, Woman’s Day! What a fabulous milestone. It’s been a pleasure being featured in your magazine over the years and I love reading all the inspiring stories you share! I think the funniest shoot I’ve ever done was with my Cavoodle puppy Bear, and both Sam Wallace and Jase Reeves’ pets. It was such wonderful chaos, but Seb kept us all on track and we got the most gorgeous pics.

Melissa Chan-Green

Former AM host

Happy birthday, Woman’s Day! Thirty-five is a great year – I was 35 when the mag beautifully captured my wedding day. Thank you for keeping Kiwi women company for so many years – while on holiday, in hospital, in waiting rooms and relaxing at home. It’s an important platform for us to share our experiences as a community when our lives sometimes feel too busy to connect in the way we used to.


Bella Kalolo

Shortland Street actress

As a kid, I remember Mum coming home with Woman’s Day and fighting over who was going to read it first. We absolutely loved having a nosy at what people were wearing at events, the lives of TV and sports stars, and reading up on all the gossip! Thank you for giving us a magazine that gave me some beautiful core memories with Mama – and happy 35th birthday, you gorgeous thang!

Marianne Infante

Shortland Street actress

Maligayang bati, Woman’s Day – happy 35th birthday! It’s been a pleasure to have you as part of my journey over the past few years. One of my favourite moments that I never expected was the feature on a short film I wrote and produced, titled Mekeni, back in 2021. It was extremely exciting seeing my Kapampangan language in the magazine!

Stacey Morrison

Flava radio star

Woman’s Day, I’ve seen over the years how many people have enjoyed your stories, become aware of issues, learned and been entertained by you!

Ingrid Hipkiss

RNZ presenter

There’s nothing like sitting down with a coffee and a magazine to decompress. Happy birthday to Woman’s Day and congrats on 35 years!


Jodie Rimmer


Happy 35th birthday, Woman’s Day! I love that you always have such creative, clever people at the helm, collecting these important stories about our people. I love just escaping into your mag! And when I do shoots with you, it’s always so fun. Keep going!

Morgana O’Reilly

The White Lotus actress

Woman’s Day, rā whānau ki a koe! Thank you for supporting the stories of so many amazing Kiwis over all these 35 years. You’ve been a champion of all our projects and milestones. We thank you! Thirty-five is a great age for taking flight, understanding who you are and what you have on a deeper level than before, and having fun! Happy, happy birthday. What an icon you are!

Kimberley Crossman


Growing up, Sunday evenings in our house had a couple of ceremonies – a sit-down family dinner and Mum bringing home her Woman’s Day, which has been on our coffee table for as long as I can remember. The opportunity to have worked closely with you for the past 17 years, since I first started on Shortland Street, means I’ve had the pleasure of sharing some of my life highs and even some of my more difficult moments with readers.

I’m forever appreciative of the mag for helping document these events – including my wedding to Tom earlier this year – for the Woman’s Day audience, who are always so kind and encouraging, even when sharing those difficult stories around my depression or miscarriage. Thank you, Woman’s Day, for your love and grace always.

Megan Papas

The Hits Breakfast radio host

I’m so grateful to have had Woman’s Day there for some of my biggest milestones. My favourite memory is definitely having Seb join us for mine and Andrew’s wedding day. It was the day after a tropical cyclone and the ceremony was on a farm, so obviously we were quite stressed, but amazingly everything came together. To have our big day documented by Woman’s Day will always be special to us. It’s a special keepsake, and the team treated us with such care and love. Happy 35th birthday – you don’t look a day over 25!


Jay-Jay Feeney

Radio & podcast queen

Happy birthday, Woman’s Day – you look amazing for your age! How do you do it? I’ve been a fan for as long as I can remember. In fact, when I first started “Jay-Jay Feeney, Scandal Queenie” on The Edge back in the ’90s, I got all of my celebrity gossip for the week from your mag. My favourite photoshoot was in 2016, when me, Dom and even future editor Sebastian got nude for some raunchy pics!

I hated my curves at the time, but looking back now, I miss that body! Over the past couple of years, I’ve loved being agony aunt Judge Jay-Jay too. My birthday advice for you is to drink Champagne and keep spilling the tea!

Paula Penfold

Stuff journalist

Hari huritau, Woman’s Day! Congratulations on all the incredible stories you’ve told over the past 35 years, with many more decades to come.

Lisette Reymer

ThreeNews reporter

This mag is actually older than I am, but if I can be half the 35-year-old beauty Woman’s Day is by the time I get there, I’ll be delighted!

Miriama Kamo

Marae journalist

Hari huritau ki a Woman’s Day! Wow, we’ve had some fun and beautiful times together. Remember when we took my dad Raynol Kamo back to his birthplace, Wharekauri/Chatham Islands? I’ll never forget it. Thanks for brightening our lives for 35 years.



Former radio & pop star

Hari toru tekau mā rima, Woman’s Day! My fave moment with the mag was capturing our girl Honour’s first birthday. It was our first family picture all together after such a horrific year. Now every time I see those pictures, it puts a huge smile on my face – almost as big as the one I wear in the pics! Thank you for all the wonderful years capturing me growing from teen pop star, to radio and TV presenter, to mother.

Anna Burns-Francis

Breakfast presenter

Happy birthday, Woman’s Day! What a milestone. You’ve been my faithful companion on long car rides, sick days and queues at the supermarket since I was a teenager. And now I’ve had the privilege of sharing some of my life’s biggest moments with your readers as well. Here’s to another 35 years of being our go-to mag for the best Kiwi stories and, of course, royal gossip!

Jazz Thornton

Mental health activist

Happy 35th birthday, Woman’s Day! I had the honour of sharing my story with the doctor who helped save my life and I’m so thankful that you chose to share it with our country. We love you!

Aesha Scott

Below Deck star

Hello, Woman’s Day! I just want to say a massive happy birthday. Thirty-five years, how exciting! You’ve been a staple of New Zealand homes for as long as I can remember. Every time I’m in the magazine, I feel part of a family and I’m so well taken care of. I love it so much!


Angela Bloomfield


I have such fond memories of all my stories with Woman’s Day, dressing up and feeling so beautiful!

Anna Jullienne


Woman’s Day has been there for so many of my milestones. For example, my wedding, the arrival of my children, the excitement of new work projects… Here’s to a huge milestone.

Megan Alatini

TrueBliss singer

Congratulations on this fantastic milestone, Woman’s Day. Thank you to the superb team behind the scenes who have put our faces, stories, challenges and triumphs into your pages, headlines and exclusives.

I’ve celebrated so many personal and career milestones in the mag – from TrueBliss to my upcoming wedding – and I’m still always shocked to see me, this little girl from South Auckland, on the cover. I’m so proud to be part of the whānau. Cheers to you!

Bree Tomasel

ZM radio star & Celebrity Treasure Island host

Wow! I can’t believe Woman’s Day, Taylor Swift and I all have the same birth year. Congratulations on reaching the big 3-5. What an amazing achievement!

I remember the early years where I would sneak a read from my mum’s copy or catch up on the latest in the doctor’s surgery. Thank you for supporting me from the start. You’re an incredible team of people who I’ve got to know over the years and now call my friends. Here’s to the next 35!


Teuila Blakely


Happy 35th birthday, Woman’s Day! Congratulations on reaching such a special milestone. Thank you for being a part of so many of my special milestones over the years and supporting me through challenging times in my life too.

It’s hard to choose just one amazing memory, but I think my fave would be my 40th birthday shoot, almost 10 years ago now – which we shot on my actual birthday! It’s always an absolute pleasure to work with the incredibly hard-working and talented team at Woman’s Day – present and past. May you continue to be a part of our lives for another 35 years and beyond!

Carmel Sepuloni

Former deputy PM

Happy birthday, Woman’s Day! I’ve enjoyed seeing the diversity of Kiwis increasingly reflected on your pages over the years. You’ve provided some insight into the softer side and backstories of some recognisable figures, but you’ve also shared stories about less-well-known Kiwis who have overcome immense obstacles or are still knee-deep in very real challenges. Ultimately, everyone has a story and I’m grateful you continue to share these.

Jayne Kiely

Location Location Location NZ host

How do you look so good for 35? What’s your secret?! Woman’s Day has been a staple of my diet for so long. I’m even lucky enough to have had a few stories with you over the years. In fact, when I turned 35, I’d just had my first baby and I loved sharing him with the readers.

Your covers are always a breath of fresh air and I love the feel-good stories. Congratulations on making it this far. It’s a tough market out there and you’re still here, which is a testament to what a great publication you are.

Erin Simpson

TV presenter

From an early age, I always enjoyed reading Woman’s Day with my nana every week. As I’ve grown up, I’ve been lucky enough to share my own stories with your readers. It’s an amazing way to remember my nana, but also to inspire other young girls growing up rurally or in small towns. Happy birthday, Woman’s Day, and thank you for inspiring me all those years ago. Here’s to many more birthdays!


Kimberlee Downs

Sky Sport presenter

Thirty-five and thriving! Happy birthday to the mag that tells Kiwi women’s stories so beautifully. You’ve become such a treasured part of New Zealand culture. A toast to you – and here’s to the next 35!

Jenny Suo

TVNZ presenter

Happy birthday, Woman’s Day – you don’t look a day over 21! Last year, I did an interview with my mum, who I often joke was a bit of a tiger parent. My parents have never been super-lovey-dovey and don’t often say, “I love you,” or, “I’m proud of you.” But during our Mother’s Day shoot, Mum was forced to say nice things about me. It was a really nice feeling. I didn’t anticipate how much it would mean to me for her to actually say it out loud!

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