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Zac Franich strips off for our sexy photoshoot

First pics! Check out the hunky Bachelor like you've never seen him before
Zac Franich

He’ll be making his TV debut tonight, but first get a load of the Bachelor like you’ve never seen him before!

This week, hot and hunky Zac Franich strips off for a wet and wild photo shoot. But it’s not just his rippling abs and muscly arms that the 28-year-old surf lifesaving coach lays bare, revealing to Woman’s Day the real reason why he’s never found the one.

“The fun part of this whole experience is you do get to let your feelings run away with you,” tells Zac, who has represented NZ in the sport
of sprint kayaking. “Of course, I see myself getting married and having a young family of my own one day – and I’m hoping to find the girl I can share my future with.”

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While he’s excited to open his heart to 19 beautiful women, Three’s burly Bachelor has his reservations about the journey ahead.

“I enjoy meeting new people and like getting to know them and hear their stories,” says Zac, “but there is the chance I don’t feel a spark with any of the women – I guess that’s part of the risk I’m taking being part of this experience.

“If I’m honest, I’m more worried that none of them will feel anything towards me.”

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But what’s not to love? Handsome, hilarious and driven with a dream job and supportive family – there must be a catch. While Zac assures us he has no skeletons in his closet, he does has a few quirks, which he jokes, could be deal-breakers.

“Occasional snorer, and even though I’m up early exercising, I’m not a morning person and actively avoid conversations until at least 8am,” he says.

“I’ve been known to eat the last five chocolate biscuit and half a block of chocolate without offering it around.”

For more steamy snaps of the Bachelor, check out this week’s Woman’s Day

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