To save reading through the same information each week, the program has been condensed and easier to read and follow. If you reached this week then you should be pretty up to date with how to do the exercises.
Week four
The Hill walk on Wednesday does not count towards your overall total for the week. It is a one off self-discipline day where you must get the mindset of achieving it. If you have no hills around then a fast walk along the flat will do. If you don’t have big hills, then walking up and down smaller hills for an hour is suffice.
Training programme
Stipulated Number for fourth week is: 30 kilometres* *
Squats 250
Lunges 200 Total
Press Ups off the knees 150
Clothes Basket Bent over Row 180 weighing 15-20 kgs
Seated Trunk Twist 700 Total
Bridge 10 minutes
Ensure stretching is carried out daily. Ideally sitting at home in front of the tv for around 15 minutes a night. Gaining in flexibility not only helps the internal bodily function, it makes you feel alot better and depletes the soreness from the body at a quicker rate than not doing any at all.
The stretching you perform with me should be performed daily